SCAN PROJECT QUOTE Scan Project Quote Request Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Approximate Number of Small Format Pages:Helpful hints: There are approximately 10,000 - 12,000 sheets in a typical 4 drawer file cabinet, or 2 drawer lateral file cabinet. There are approximately 2,500 - 3,000 sheets in a typical 12x15x10 inch box. Percentage of single sided Selected Value: 100% Percentage of double sided Selected Value: 0% Approximate Number of Wide Format Pages:What is the overall condition of the Originals?Good - clean, flat pagesFairPoor - discolored background, blurred print, markings on pagesEnter Quantities only for each size of OriginalsQuantity of 8.5" x 14" - Legal OriginalsQuantity of 11" x 17" - Ledger OriginalsQuantity of 12" x 18" - OriginalsQuantity of 18" x 24" - OriginalsQuantity of 18" x 24" - OriginalsQuantity of 24" x 36" - OriginalsQuantity of 30" x 42" - OriginalsQuantity of 36" x 48" - OriginalsQuantity of Other Size OriginalsCheck all that apply to your OriginalsTypical 20# Xerox bond paperBlueprintsVellumMylarSepiaLightweight/onion skin paperHeavyweight/thick paperBound (books)Torn/damaged (require repair &/or special care)Percentage of project requiring special attention &/or flatbed scanning Selected Value: 0% Percentage of project requiring color scanning Selected Value: 0% x me for PreparationScan ReadyLight - Almost Scan ReadyBasic - Remove Binding, Light Repair, Little UnfoldingHigh Volume of Binding, Sorting, StructuringWork LocationOff-site Scanning (work to be transported to AZ Overland Blueprint for processing)On-site Scanning (scan at the location where the files reside)Output FormatPDFTIFFOtherResolution200 DPI300 DPI400 DPIOtherData Storageemailflash drivecloud storage (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.)OtherAfter ScanningReassemble OriginalsDo Not Reassemble OriginalsWhat best describes the Indexing?Very SimpleSimpleNeither Simple or ComplexComplexVery ComplexConsider the Indexing as defined as the file structure, multi-paging (or individual paging) scheme, and naming for the folders and records. Helpful hint: Often the existing hard copy file folder & print labeling system that has been established, can be replicated in digital form.Do you intend to have the scanned images retrievable in a searchable database program?YesNoIf yes, What is the Software Program?Please specify any requirements or additional information:Intended Start date for ProjectDeadline for Project CompletionName *FirstLastBusiness NameAddressCity, State, Zip Code *Email *Phone NumberPlease call me to discuss estimatePlease call me to discuss estimateRequest an Estimate